Monday, October 24, 2011

One Day's End of Garden Menu

Late October: Among other things, I harvested some turnips, beets, zucchini, garlic, parsley, thyme, mint this week.  I have tomatoes, onion, and garlic harvested earlier. We ate the turnip greens the other day, and today I made:

Roasted Turnips with Thyme and Garlic-

Sauteed Zucchini, parmesan and mozzarela-

Sauted then Baked Eggplant, Zucchini, Green Peppers, Tomato, Onion, Parmesan

Roasted Chiogga Beets with Mint-(no raspberry vinegar though)

Sauteed Beet Greens with Garlic

I also cut up one regular turnip and a tiny buttternut squash, so I am ready to make this later this week.

I also have 4 small roasted beets ready to eat within 3 days.